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Bulkley River and Morice River Watersheds

In April of 2020, the Society for Ecosystem Restoration Northern British Columbia (SERNbc) undertook an initiative to plan and conduct fish passage restoration planning activities in the Bulkley River and Morice River watershed groups which are sub-basins of the Skeena River watershed. The initiative was supported by a grant from the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund that leveraged funds committed in the fall of 2019 from the Provincial Fish Passage Remediation Program and the Canadian Wildlife Federation. New Graph Environment and Hillcrest Geographics were the project team subcontracted to devise the study plan, submit proposals and complete the work which included information gathering, updating/implementation of open source data analysis tools, fish passage assessments and habitat confirmation assessments. Although fish passage restoration planning was conducted for both the Morice River watershed group and the Bulkley River watershed group, on the ground surveys in 2020 focused primarily within Bulkley River tributaries.


Bulkley River and Morice River Watershed Groups Fish Passage Restoration Planning 2021


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