The Crystal Lake Road Rehabilitation project was collaboratively developed with involvement from SERNbc, Saik’uz First Nation, tenure holders, the province of BC and community representatives. Strategic direction for the project was derived from the Omineca Region Environmental Stewardship Initiative (ESI) group, the Vanderhoof LRMP, the Vanderhoof AMP, forest licensee operations and obligations planning, and access needs for other tenured users and the general public. The project objective was to reduce the density of temporary forest roads in the plan area given the road density threshold of 0.6km/km2 being significant to maintaining healthy wildlife populations. The Crystal Lake plan area had an estimated 1.2km/km2. The project identified 275km of candidate roads for rehabilitation. In 2021 approximately 36km of temporary forest roads were rehabilitated southwest of Vanderhoof, BC. A second phase of road rehabilitation in 2022 removed 52km of road surrounding moose habitat enhancement treatment units implemented by SERNbc in 2021 and 2022.
Crystal Lake Road Rehabilitation Collaborative Plan - March 31, 2020
Click on the map below to enlarge:
Crystal Lake Road Rehabilitation Collaborative Plan Area