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Ecosystem Restoration in the South Peace

In the fall of 2015, Stewardship staff within the Peace District approached the Provincial ER Coordinator
about the possibility of developing an ER program for the District. Seed funding was provided to engage
a consultant with experience in other ecosystem restoration programs to lead the planning process and
develop the initial plan. The first step was to identify potential stakeholders to solicit input on the need for
such a program, and its possible scope. This work was conducted in the fall of 2015 and winter of 2016 in
a series of meetings and phone interviews, culminating in a stakeholder workshop on March 1st, 2016.

This plan represents the results of the stakeholder engagement process and ecosystem restoration
experience in other parts of the Province, most notably, the Omineca Region. Detailed GIS and other
types of data analyses will also be required to geographically identify potential restoration sites but these
activities are envisioned at the tactical and operational planning stages.

The plan was initiated as a pilot to explore the need for ecosystem restoration, the types of ecosystems
and activities that might merit attention, and the level of interest and support amongst stakeholders. It
provides a framework for integrating ecosystem restoration into other land management activities and
sets broad direction for a program over the next two to five years. It is expected that the plan will provide
stakeholders with the information they need to initiate an effective restoration program but it is not meant
to replace detailed planning.

Perceived benefits of ecosystem restoration management and planning include:

  • Added value to existing programs such as cumulative effects mitigation, mitigation of mid-term timber supply shortfalls, establishment of treatment of areas falling under a Government Actions Regulation, wildfire management, and habitat enhancement.
  • Leveraged funding through the establishment of partnerships with other stakeholders with similar land management objectives.
  • Shared data and better informed management decisions.
  • Improved ecosystem function and climate mitigation.
  • Improved public profile and better relations with other organizations including First Nations.
  • Safer communities (at risk because of wildfire).


Ecosystem Restoration Opportunities in the South Peace


Click on the maps below to enlarge.


ER Opportunities in the South Peace Planning Area Map
