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Quintette Caribou

The overall objective of the Quintette Caribou Habitat Restoration Project is to transition disturbed, low quality woodland caribou habitat into higher quality habitat, with a particular focus on the restoration of linear disturbance features.

One component of this project is to develop a Tactical Restoration Plan for the South Peace caribou ranges, which will be used as a planning tool to inform subsequent restoration programs or plans for each of the seven South Peace mountain ranges. The second component of this project is to implement restoration treatments in priority areas, identified within the Quintette Restoration Plan area, to achieve the overall project objectives. This will involve functional restoration treatments such as road rehabilitation, reforestation, and other operational activities.

Northeast Rehabilitation Program

Activity 1: A Tactical Restoration Plan for the South Peace caribou ranges was developed as a planning tool to inform subsequent detailed restoration programs for each of the seven South Peace caribou ranges. The overall objective of caribou habitat restoration is to transition disturbed, low quality woodland caribou habitat into higher quality habitat, with a particular focus on linear disturbance effects on wolf movement and subsequent predation risk to caribou.
Activity 2: The restoration of linear disturbances is being implemented by SERNbc in the Quintette herd area in collaboration with multiple land users, stakeholder, First Nations, and Provincial agencies.


Quintette Caribou Habitat Restoration Program: 2019 Implementation Report


Click on the map below to enlarge:

Quintette Caribou Herd Range and Project Area - 2019
