This project developed two Ecosystem Restoration Plans (ERP)s, one for the Shovel Lake Wildfire area and one for the Island Lake Wildfire area. These plans are intended to guide future restoration activities within the plan areas considering development history, future and present local needs, and various land use plans that overlap the plan area. The ERPs were developed in collaboration with local First Nations, the provincial government and SERNbc with strategic direction driven from the Environmental Stewardship Initiative (ESI). These collaborative and holistic plans aim to restore a diverse, resilient landscape capable of generating the many values and services that matter to the people of the area. The ERPs specify three management zones with unique management objectives: the Ecosystem Restoration Zone, Wildland Urban Interface Zone and the Timber Restoration Zone. Within these zones zone specific treatment options with the potential to maintain or restore important values on the landscape and a proposed path for implementation are explored.
Island Lake Wildfire Ecosystem Restoration Plan, 2019
Shovel Lake Wildfire Ecosystem Restoration Plan, 2019
Shovel Lake Wildfire Ecosystem Restoration Plan: Vegetation Monitoring Report, 2022
Click on the maps below to enlarge.
Shovel Lake Special Management Zones Map
Island Lake Special Management Zones Map